Thursday, August 27, 2020

COMPARE AND CONTRAST TWO POEMS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Look into TWO POEMS - Essay Example The sonnet principally manages the quick worries of endurance and traveling through the uncovered and some of the time dim conditions that were ordinary impediments during this time in African-American people group. She discloses to her child to continue pushing ahead: â€Å"So, kid, don’t you turn around/Don’t you set down on the steps† (14-15). The precious stone step functions admirably as a similitude forever; her recommendation not the slightest bit tends to the subtleties or increasingly positive parts of life, yet basically the need to endure and overcome the day. Meinke’s sonnet, while additionally communicating his recommendation to a child, is totally different in introduction and explicit substance. As with Hughes’ sonnet, the author is talking straightforwardly with the target group and offers counsel through symbolism and allegory. As per Meinke, the reason forever is to live each day completely while likewise making arrangements for what's to come. Magnificence on the planet assumes a significant job in carrying on with a full life. The creator expresses that â€Å"Beauty is nectar/And nectar, in a desert, saves† (Meinke 13-14). The sonnet finishes on a telling note in regards to the satisfactions throughout everyday life and the need to enjoy each experience and encounters: â€Å"And consistently serve bread with your wine/But child, consistently serve wine† (21-22). Meinke’s sonnet communicates estimations that Hughes’ mother can't completely comprehend; for her, in view of the difficulties she knows and encounters every day, the advantage of getting a charge out of life’s progressively positive contributions is an outside idea. Hughes and Meinke have introduced two varying perspectives that compare a world brimming with excellence with that of a progressively desolate, dismal condition. The two sonnets effectively pass on parental concerns and useful tidbits that are to enable their separate children to live and work in the worldâ€the fundamental distinction being that Hughes’ mother takes a stab at straightforward endurance, while Meinke’s parent can

Saturday, August 22, 2020

LITERARNA MODERNA- SVETOVA Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers

LITERARNA MODERNA-SVETOVA Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers LITERARNA MODERNA-SVETOVA SPOLOCENSKA SITUACIA-obdobie rozvoja modernej technickej spolocnosti - objavy - hrozba akapitalisticka spolocnos silnie - spolocnos sa orientuje na moc abohatstvo FILOZOFIAfilozoficke smery: - Shoppenhauer-pesimizmus avoluntarizmus - Nietzsche-individualizmus a nihilizmus LITERATURA - snaha ospajanie viacerych druhov umenia - ,umenie pre umenie = PARNASIZMUS - dba ocistotu formy - prevlada forma basne nad jej obsahom - HVIEZDOSLAV - prevlada poezia nad prozou - prestava sa pisa spolocenska lyrika, zacina sa pisa lyrika osobna - prinasa cloveka samotara - basnici nezobrazuju svet, ktory vidia, brew, ktory citia - najdolezitejsim nastrojom lyriky sa stava slovo - umelecke smery : symbolizmus, impresionizmus, dekadencia SYMBOLIZMUS - vznik v19. stor. vo Francuzsku - reakcia na naturalizmus aparnasizmus - vnima svet zmyslovo avyuziva symboly - nadrauje ducha nad hmotu, unika zo spolocnosti, vychodisko hada mimo reality/v snoch, vpodvedomi/ - vplyva na hudba = section su spevne, chceli vyjadri hudbu pomocou slov, pismen afarieb - ulohou symbolizmu bolo pomiesa zmysly - zacali pisa neviazanym versom - vyuzivaju senzualizmus-basne vyjadrovane lyricky cez atmosferu krajiny - symbolisti zili neviazanym sposobom zivota: PREKLATI BASNICI-Boudelaire, Rimbaud, Verlaine - ovplyvneni tiez dekadenciou, naturalizmom - zobrazuju skaredos azlo tohto sveta - protestuju proti pokrytectvu apretvarku - hadaju krasu vskaredych veciach - zili bohemskym zivotom - citlive, burlive, zlozite osobnosti - citili sa osamoteni, vycleneni zo spolocnosti, prekliati/znaky roman. hrdinu/ CH.BAUDELAIRE Tvorba: zbierka basni Kvety zla, Male basne vproze, vyber zjeho tvorby bas. zbierky Trosky, Clovek love/reflexivna lyrika/ - impresionizmus - odsudili ho za nemravneho , skazeneho basnika pre pisanie erotickej poezie - vea mystiky a nabozenstva Base vproze - kratky rytmizovany zaner vneviazanej reci - vyuziva tropy, figury, paralelizmus - graficky azvukovo pripomina prozu J.A. RIMBAUD Tvorba: Pobyt vpekle, base Relikviar, Iluminacie, Zora - base vproze - obohatil tvorbu ohlboku emocionalnos - vzah sPaulom Verlainom IMPRESIONIZMUS - vznikol v19. stor. vo Francuzsku - show impresionizmu = obraz od Claudia Monta Dojem, vychod slnka - zakladom impresionizmu je zachytavanie prchavych zmyslovych dojmov avnemov - najma vlyrike - vumeni - pointilizmus - bodkovacia technika - snazi sa okomplexne zobrazenie dojmu= synestezia - spaja vnemy rozneho zmysloveho povodu - hudobnos versa PAUL VERLAINE Tvorba: Saturnske basne/melodicke basne/, zivotopisne dielo Moje vazenia, esej Preklati basnici, Moja nemocnica, Vyznanie, Jesenna base - pomenovanie ,preklati basnici DEKADENCIA - vznik 19. stor. vo Francuzsku - zaklad pre vznik symbolizmu aimpresionizmu - vtvorbe sa prejavila fantazia, naladovos, uzkos, depresia, pocity beznadeje - necenili si lasku azivot - na piedestal postavili zlo askaredos - temy smrti, noci, samoty, rozkladu - CH. BOUDELAIRE - Mrcina LITERARNA MODERNA-SLOVENSKA SPOLOCENSKA SITUACIA - SK ako sucas Uhorska, sl. narod neuznavany ako narod, ani jazyk, narod nie je jednotny-pokracuje narodnostny utlak - obdobie hosp. problemov - vypuknutie vojny LITERATURA - paralelne tvoria prislusnici viacerych lit. smerov : autori 1. a2. vlne realizmu , nova generacia-slovenska literarna moderna - autori boli ovplyvneni romantizmom/osamelos, vyjadrenie vl. pocitu, prirodna symbolika/, symbolizmom/vyuzivanie symbolov na vyjadrenie abstraktneho, hudobnos versa/, impresionizmus/doraz na atmosferu basne, nalady, dojem zo sveta, lager aj HVIEZDOSLAVOM AVAJANSKYM - riesili narodne aspolocenske konflikty, zarove vsak presadzovali pravo na vlastny pocit vbasni, na zachytavanie intimnych zachvevov duse avyjadrenie osobneho pocitu zo skutocnosti - na rozdiel od sv. moderny, ktora je skor subjektivnejsia ariesi prevazne osobne problemy ZNAKY - 1. lyricky hrdina= sam autor, osamely clovek, ktoreho zivot obera oiluzie, vyjadruje svoj smutok, sklamanie, citove sklamanie/Krasko/, intelektualna kriza/Jesensky/, rozbor medzi tuzbou autora askutocnosou/vplyv romantizmu/ - 2. zanre= prevlada poezia nad prozou, kratsie basnicky, piese, sonet - 3. vyuzivanie symbolov, basnickej skratky, naznaku, - 4. vers= sylabotonicky, modernejsi jazyk, prirodzeny slovosled, rytmicky usporiadany arymovany ivony vers - 5. = hudobnos versa : opakovanie hlasok vyvolavajucich zvukove dojmy Predstavitelia: Ivan Krasko, Janko Jesensky, Ivan Gall, Vladimir Roy, Frantisek Votruba IVAN KRASKO Tvorba: cyklus 9 basni Listok, zbierka Nox et solitudo = Uz je pozde, Plachy akord, Vesper dominicae (Nedeny vecer), Topole, Zmraka sa, Jehovah, Prsi-prsi, Quia pulvis whole (Pretoze som prach) zbierka Verse-basne zamerane viac spolocensky, obsahuje sonety - najznamejsie basne: Noc, Ja = basne vproze, Otrok = lyricky subjekt sa stylizuje do postavy otroka, vyzva do boja, Otcova roa= base je vycitkami svedomia autora, ktory opustil rodinu ivlas, je tu motiv vecera aprvky tajomnosti, Banici= mama burcujuci charakter, vyjadruje nadej, ze raz pride period slobody - vlastnym menom Jan Botto - spolok Detvan, chemicky inzinier vCechach - vea nom de plume - jeho tvorba je lyrickou spoveou, zhrnul ju do 2 zbierok - poezia vemi osobna, krehka, uprimna - zakladny zivotny pocit je smutok, wistfulness bezmocnos, beznadej, pesimizmus a pochybnos - autor mama pocit, ze nieco zameskal - tento pocit vyplyva z: 1. zo smutku za domovom, matkou, SK, 2. zosamelosti-uzavrety, tajnostkarsky clovek, pochyboval osebe, viere, laske 3. znenaplnenej lasky: pochyboval olaske, trpel na chorobu puc, lasku zobrazuje

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Evolution of Day Trading Alongside Technology

The Evolution of Day Trading Alongside Technology Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!The Evolution of Day Trading Alongside TechnologyUpdated On 31/10/2017Author : Ram kumarTopic : BusinessShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogTechnology has played an immense role in molding the world around ourselves. Starting from our daily lives to even the stock market, technology has made it easier for everyone. What has changed from the 1990s to the 2010s, in nearly 3 decades since day trading started? What is the role of the internet in all these transformations?We all know that technological advancements have changed things for the better. But what are those improvements that everyone keeps talking about, that enabled us to make giant strides into digital stock trading? Day trading was traditionally considered to be a niche profession. How much has it changed in the past few years? Lets find out in this article.Availability of Tech nologyDay trading as of today is largely dependent on two important things the computer and the internet, two major outcomes of technological growth. Just a few years back in the 1990s when day trading first started out, computers were bulky machines that started at around 2000 dollars and above. Their performance was not worth the investment.It all changed for the better after the dot-com bubble of the 2000s. The prices of personal computing devices started to fall and by the mid of the 2000s, computers were a common household appliance that everyone had. As of now, every one of us owns a powerful computing device in our palms and call it the smartphone.With the presence of computers becoming ubiquitous, their usability increased dramatically and with that growth, many day traders started coming into the digital world of stock trading. These new digital nomads of the modern computer era were now equipped to trade from anywhere on the planet and were no longer tied down to the loca tion of the physical Stock Exchange.Democratization of InformationHistorically, stock brokers have always maintained the equilibrium when it comes to the market peaking and dipping as well as for individual stocks themselves. This was an important reason why many traders didn’t invest in smaller companies and stuck to trading stocks of larger companies alone.With the help of computers and internet and the newfound ability to research on a new company on the market, stockbrokers were able to stay updated on the new information. This has to lead to traders jumping in on new and rising stocks as they come to the market. The current trend being Marijuana Stocks â€" this kind of a change is something that would have been considered impossible a decade ago!READBest Open-source CMS (eCommerce) for Small BusinessesIncreased speeds of executionNowadays limits for both the bull and bear markets are set automatically by machines, instead of being set manually. This is because of the higher s peeds with which a computer is able to execute a trade when compared to doing it manually. Automation has played a huge role in the stock industry in the past few years. Several new online brokering companies have cropped up with their own marketplaces as well as APIs that provide myriad of auto-buy and sell features. They also promise to be a lot faster than the rest of the lot.And with cross-platform compatibility, users are now trading on the move with the help of their mobiles and laptops. This has led to the commissions for online trading dropping as day trading has transitioned from a niche profession to something that anyone with a decent computing device and an internet connection can engage on.ConclusionAt the end of the day, its still the same old rat race as every market platform is trying it’s best to be a millionth of a second faster to trade in. Technology has made day trading a lot more accessible and profitable for a lot more people. Thus the field of play is level ed to a larger extent for a larger segment of the population.I hope this article was useful for you to learn about the latest developments in day trading. If you have any doubts with regards to this, let us know through the comments and we will be glad to help you out. If you have any suggestions regarding how we can improve the article, let us know them through the comments as well for us to improve.